
          Latitude:    40.76105°;  40° 45' 39.7794" NORTH
          Longitude:  111.88907°; 111° 53' 20.652" WEST
          Altitude:  1305.4 meters; 4283.137 feet

          51 E 400 S STE 000
          Salt Lake City, UT 84111

        For more accurate time synchronization, NTP to this server:

        clock.xmission.com - IPv4 - IPv6 2607:FA18::2407


Current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

XMission Time ()

Universal Clocks

Casual English

Local Time

Calculated Timezone

Casual English

Calculation of your local timezone offset is done by comparing your system clock against the UTC clock time which comes from the clock.xmission.com server. It is subject to error if your local clock is improperly set and can be also entirely wrong if your clock is fast and recently past the top of the hour. The offset calculation can usually be corrected by reloading this page. All times on this page are offset by the inherent loading time of the web. If you want accuracy, use NTP. Most modern systems have built-in NTP support and synchronizing to clock.xmission.com is open to the public.